Weight Loss... A Never Ending Saga

Writer’s Edit: This was written in 2018. I just decided to hit the publish button!

Well, friends, here we are again. This is where I’m supposed to tell you about how I began this weight loss journey back in April of this year, and how I was wildly successful. Then I’ll insert the most inspirational and motivational pictures that you ever did see! You’ll ask me a ton of questions about how I did it, how I stayed motivated, tips and tricks, exactly what I ate, when and how I exercised, and (of course!) I’ll oblige you. Except… that’s not quiet the story I have to tell (insert Justin Timberlake’s #CryMeARiver).

So here goes…

I DID start a (#AndAnotherOne DJ Khalid’s Voice) weight loss journey in April. And I WAS mildly successful (see proof below).

11lbs gone!

Yep, you read that right! The difference between the 1st pic and the 2nd one, is only 11lbs!

Look at that back!!

Chiiilllle, I was looking good and feeling great!

THEN, October happened… You see, October is my birth month, and I LOVE celebrating my birthday. The problem is, this year, I celebrated with WAY more cake than I should be allowed, and WAY more alcoholic beverages than I typically would indulge in. Even still, I only gained a whopping FOUR pounds with all of the junk I consumed. I know what you’re thinking… Sonya, four pounds is nothing, you can drop that quickly. Well, friend, that’s what I thought too! See, the issue isn’t the four pounds. The issue is that we are roughly 6-7 weeks post my birthday shenanigans, and I have NOT gotten back on track with my eating, and certainly not with my workout regimen. I know, I know… I could have dropped 4 x 3 pounds by now! Ugh. Well, I didn’t, I haven’t, so now what?

I’ll tell you what… I am about to start NOW. There are about five weeks left in the year. And I’m not about to wait another five weeks to get back on the proverbial horse. Here’s my plan.

  1. Meal Prep

    • I’m not your traditional meal prepper. I don’t necessarily prep ALL the things. What this means to me is having the main items ready to go. These would typically be your proteins (i.e. chicken, beef, fish) and possibly some carbs (i.e. potatoes, rice). Most of the time, I only prepare enough veggies to last 2 days max.

  2. Workout in the Mornings

    • I am NOT a morning person, like, AT ALL. However, I do know that exercising in the morning is most beneficial to my lifestyle. I have a tendency to stay at work later to get more done, and even if I’m not at work late, when I get home, I go into DIY mode. There’s always a project to be done or nowadays, a blog post to be written. So this means, I have to figure out how to make the most out of my days. And for me, it involves working out in the mornings, so that I can’t talk myself out of it in the evenings.

  3. Remain Consistent and Disciplined.

    • Now here’s the REAL challenge! CONSISTENCY and DISCIPLINE. The truth is, most of us are not successful in weigh loss, or anything else for that matter, because we lack consistency and discipline. The first thing I hear people say is, “I just don’t have the willpower” or “I just don’t have the motivation.” Well, I hate to be the bearer of bad news, but willpower and motivation are fleeting. What produces results are consistency and discipline.

    • You must have the discipline to get up and work out even when you don’t feel like it. You must have the discipline to eat the right foods, even when your mind wants cake and ice cream. You must remain dedicated to consistently doing these things day after day after day, even on the days or weeks, you think you aren’t seeing results.

Between goals and achievement are DISCIPLINE and CONSISTENCY. ~ Denzel Washington

THAT’S IT, friends!! Yep, there are only three things that I need to do to get back on track. You see, weight loss really isn’t as hard as we make it out to be. Sure, you will have to spend some time figuring out what types of foods work best for your body type, and what types of exercises work best for the results you are seeking. The good news is, there is a TON of free information out there to help you with this. ‘And if you don’t feel like spinning your wheels trying to figure it out, seek the help of a trainer and/or nutritionist. Whatever you do, make a commitment to stop making excuses. That’s what I’m doing. What are you going to do to reach your goals? Let me know in the comments below.

With love,

Sonya B.